Transportation Department » Child Care Provider Information

Child Care Provider Information

In an effort to accommodate childcare needs, a parent/guardian may request an alternate bus stop for his/her child(ren) within their schools' attendance area.
For Mentor Public Schools families Please use the form in Parent Portal to request Childcare if your student is to be picked up or dropped off at a location other than at home. 
Log in to Parent Portal 
Click on More on the right hand side
Go down toward bottom and choose Annual Update
Child Care provider form will be listed 
Click Start and fill out information 
For Parochial School families Please contact the Transportation Department if your student is to be picked up or dropped off at a location other than at home so that we may get you the appropriate paperwork to fill out and return.
Public Daycare pick-up/drop-off locations must be on our approved childcare facilities list. The pick-up and/or drop-off locations will be the same for every day of the week.

In order to honor first day of school requests, the request must be submitted by July 15 to the Transportation Dept.
Requests for alternate bus stops for childcare purposes must be submitted in writing ten working days prior to implementation and must be approved by the Coordinator of Transportation. 
Board Policy 6.41